What’s Up with Butwal?
Starting from the base, Butwal is famous for its road and road-side food. You shouldn’t forget to have “Traffic Chowk ko famous cooker coffee“, Fulki (panipuri), and other street foods. Manimukunda Sen Park, Hill Park and Banbatika are some famous parks to visit. Birthplace of Gautam Buddha, Lumbini is just 39 km away from the venue.

Our Speakers
Roshan Bhattarai
Lesson learnt from buying and selling Styled Themes
Topic Category: WordPress Business/Analysis
Speaker Type: NationalSpeaker Bio: Roshan is a co-founder of Proshore. Proshore is a dutch-nepali software agency with header quarter in Eindhoven, Netherlands. He is also a co-founder of digital products like WPDating, Keptify and ExportFeed. A die-hard Chelsea fan but prefers to play badminton on regular basis.
Session Summary: I learnt a very good lesson on while working with WordPress business. Why did we decided to buy it ? How to grow it ? Why we decided to sell it. And lesson learnt why we sell it on wrong time.Because many people wants to start their own business in WordPress so this topic can give good idea how you can get into other business as partner. How do you identify the right business for you.
Intended Audience: Everyone
Shrijana Thapa KC
Public speaking in IT: Unveiling the bright side
Topic Category: Public Speaking
Speaker Type: NationalSpeaker Bio: Shrijana Thapa KC is a Software Engineer and works as a Mobile App Developer at Nucleus, a leading company based in Pokhara. She came to WordPress by chance and got hooked since then as an active member of WordPress Pokhara. Having more than a decade long of experience in media, she has given trainings on public speaking and used to work at top radio stations of the city.
When she’s not typing away on a keyboard, you will find her freelancing as an emcee at events around the city. She is an avid reader, has an immense love for travel and wishes to explore different cuisines in her spare time.
Session Summary: Despite the world of work being increasingly conducted behind computer screens, career progression is still about being seen and heard. Amidst all, we also come across the fact that many people suffer from stage fright and mass fear or anxiety when it comes to public speaking. This implies with IT personnel, developers or designers as well. One can have a hard time if you have a problem in delivering your ideas well with your clients or one can find it really difficult to convince his/her colleagues about his project if he doesn’t have good speaking skills resulting in unexpected outcomes.
So, lack of public speaking skills can be a great hindrance to your success or career as a whole. So, unveiling the bright side of public speaking skills will allow you to have a better understanding of the subject matter, motivate you to do lots of preparation, implement the theories practically which is mandatory in IT sector and it will also let you explore new things and do more research which is so much essential in this technology driven world where everything keeps on changing with a blink of an eye. Public speaking skills is no longer optional in our professional life so, why not enhance it for a better us, for our better tomorrow?
Intended Audience: Everyone
Surendra Shrestha
Giving back to the community
Topic Category: WordPress Community
Speaker Type: NationalBio: I am Founder & CEO of Rigorous Web. I have worked as Software Engineer since 2010 and started my own web business in WordPress after getting potential knowledge of web design and development early at 2013. I am self learned and highly motivated Web Programmer, WordPress Developer and IT entrepreneur.
Session Summary: The beauty of WordPress is its community and giving back to the community is a kind of culture, developed by WordPress Communities. We learn and expand our skills using open source community. As we learn, we have to practice to teach others by sharing our skills, knowledges and experiences. When there are some problems related to WP, there are definitely a millions of helping hands around the earth and that is what I will be discussing.
Intended Audience: Everyone
Tetsuya Yoshida
Daily maintenances of WordPress
Topic Category: WordPress Development
Speaker Type: InternationalSpeaker Bio: web developer / Senior Web Analytics Consultant
Representative Director of TY Planning Co., Ltd. Japan
I worked for the web industry since 2001 and became independent in 2002. Incorporated in 2006. I provide a wide range of web-related requests, including web design, coding, and CMS customisation, web analysis, website construction and operation consultation, and web advertising services. In addition to producing and attracting customers, we offer improvement proposals and advisories from a perspective that overlooks all operations and maintenance. I participate in educational activities such as speaker at WordCamp Tokyo, other seminar events, corporate training and one-on-one lessons.Session Summary: Maintenance of WordPress is very important. I will explain from the view of update, backup and security. Use backup and security plugin and keep your WordPress site safe.
Intended Audience: WordPress Beginners, designers, bloggers and any people who doesn’t know about the update, backup and security.

News From The Organizing Team
- WordCamp Butwal 2020 Account DetailsWe wanted to post the accounts for the public to see. We want to be transparent and show the public and sponsors how the budget has been spent. Furthermore, the …
- A Look Back At WordCamp Butwal 2020WordCamp Butwal 2020 has been successfully concluded and it was fun with 250+ WordPress Developers, Bloggers, tech geeks and students at The Darbar Lawn, Yogikuti. We cannot wait to thank …
- Thank You Lavish Lounge & Bar for being Micro SponsorThe Lavish Lounge and Bar is a Contemporary Restaurant with romantic ambiance and superb food offering which is under the management of Lime and Lemon Group of Hospitality. We are …
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